8 simple steps to a powerful communications strategy

The Art of Communication

In today's interconnected, busy and noisy world, remarkable and memorable communication is the key to standing out, and standing out is the key to success.

Whether you're a business or a not-for-profit organisation, having a well-defined communications strategy can significantly enhance your ability to communicate your purpose clearly, connect and engage with your stakeholders and audiences and, essentially, to achieve your goals. In this blog post, we will outline the key steps to creating a communications strategy that can help you to stand out.

1 / Define your objectives

Before exploring the tactical aspects of your communications, you must have clear and measurable goals which will inform everything else. What is the purpose of your communications? Are you seeking to raise awareness, increase sales, enhance your brand reputation, or foster community engagement? Agreeing and clarifying your goals at the start will provide clear direction and ensure that your communication activities are aligned with your business objectives. Don’t forget the SMART rule – your objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound.

2 / Know your audience

A clear and deep understanding of your target audience(s) is vital for creating messaging that not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them. Research should focus on the attributes that best describe your particular audience whether consumer or business. In the case of the former you will need to identify your audience's demographics, interests, preferences, and communication channels they frequent. In the latter you need to understand their role in decision-making, their purchasing power, their stage in the buying life-cycle, the obstacles they need to overcome and where they get their information. With this knowledge you can create specific targeted content using language and a tone that will capture your audience’s attention and initiate or develop a trusting relationship.

3 / Craft your key messages

Developing concise, relatable and valuable key messages is essential for effective communication. You need to marry your objectives with the needs and interests of your audience, and ensure that you don’t waffle or use language that is too internal, technical, dry or otherwise off-putting. Remember to focus on the benefits and values you offer, addressing the "what's in it for them" question your audience may have.

4 / Choose the right channels

A vast range of communication channels are available, ranging the latest digital platform to traditional media outlets. By understanding your audience as outlined above, you should be able to identify the channels that your audience uses. To reinforce your messaging, make sure that you use an appropriate mix of media to reach your audience wherever they are and in a number of ways – this increases both recognition and memorability.

5 / Choose the right format

As with channels, you have a range of options at your fingertips – from traditional media formats like advertorials, outdoor advertising and exhibitions, to digital formats such as text, image, video, infographics, animations, podcasts, flipbooks, microsites and much much more. Choose the combination that suits your audiences demographics and need.

6 / Develop a content plan

Consistent and engaging content is the lifeblood of any successful communications strategy. Create a content plan that captures the type of content you will produce, the frequency of updates, and the channels through which it will be shared, and the formats it will be in. Include responsibilities for writing, editing and publishing.

7 / Two-way communications

Relationships and trust are built on conversations. Encourage and enable your audience to provide feedback, ask questions, and engage in conversations. Actively monitor and respond to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly to demonstrate to your audience that you value them.

8 / Measure & adapt

You need to measure the success of your activities against the goals that you set. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and conversions. Identify what's working and what's not, and adapt your approach accordingly.

Creating an effective communications strategy requires careful planning, a deep understanding of your audience, and continuous evaluation. By defining your objectives, crafting compelling messages, choosing the right channels, developing engaging content, and listening to your audience, you can build real connections, enhance your brand reputation, and support your business goals.


If you would like to talk to us about how to create a communications strategy that can help you to stand out, please get in touch.


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